The death of a loved one can be a sad time. Planning the funeral should not be difficult and challenging.
This information will help to guide you through the process.
Please call the Parish office for help or questions. 203-239-5378
The Funeral liturgy consists of three parts:
The family may choose to participate more fully in the Mass by selecting the readings; one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.
The family may choose to have readers to do the readings. The celebrant will call each reader forward at the right time.
Please do not choose a Psalm as a reading!
We are providing a list of readings for you, please click the button below to view the Funeral Reading list.
The family may also choose the music for the Mass. Since the funeral is a religious ceremony, it is expected that music selected be religious preferably with references to our Lord’s death and resurrection. Music selections should be appropriate to the liturgical season, Songs with "Alleluia" are not allowed during Lent. Secular music, however beautiful, is not permitted during the Mass.
The Mass begins when the body (or the ashes) is brought into the church.
We have provided a List of Funeral Music selections for you, please click the button below to view the Funeral Music list.
Words of Remembrance or Eulogy
Please send copy of Eulogy in at least 24 hours prior to funeral
One person and only one person may deliver words of remembrance. This is not to exceed five minutes. Words of remembrance are not necessary. The words of remembrance should be a serious reflection of the person. It should not be a series of humorous anecdotes. It is not permitted to invite others to the microphone.
A more proper time to deliver a eulogy would be at the wake or at the reception after the burial.
“At the funeral Mass there should be, as a rule, a short homily, but never a eulogy of any kind.”
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
Funerals cannot be celebrated on Sundays or Holydays of Obligation. On the solemn days of Holy Week, funeral Masses cannot be celebrated on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. During these days a Liturgy of the Word is celebrated and Communion is not distributed.
Flowers may be brought to the church for the Mass. During Lent the flowers are removed immediately following the Mass because it is a season of penance.
If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the parish office at 203-239-5378.