We are excited to be able to once again welcome Altar Servers at all of our Masses. We are in need of Alter servers for all weekend Masses in our churches. Any individual who are 4th grade or older and has made their First Holy Communion is eligible to become an altar server. This is a wonderful way to serve our Lord and our parish community.
Altar Servers provide a very important role during the celebration of Mass.
Altar Servers assist the priest before, during, and after Mass. An Altar Server assists by preparing the Sanctuary for the celebration of Mass, carries the cross or candles in procession, brings books and sacred vessels to and from the Altar during Mass and cleans up after the Mass is over.
Training will be provided by Fr. Ajeesh and Deacon Steve.
Please contact the parish office at 203-239-5378 or office@etrinityparish.org
if you are interested in serving.