An Ash Wednesday Prayer
“Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.”
You remind us today, oh Lord, of our origin and end.
In the beginning, You fashioned us in the Garden.
You dignified dust with the Breath of Life.
You made us in Your image and likeness.
You led Your people through the dust of the Sinai wilderness to the Promised Land.
You overcame temptation in the dry desert.
You healed the blind with dirt and clay.
Three times Your body stirred the dust
as you fell on the road to Calvary.
Hear the cry of Your people!
One day we will return to dust.
This Lenten season, stir our minds to contemplate You, our hearts to love You, and our bodies to serve You in our brothers and sisters.
May our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
be Your breath alive in us.
Please be advised that any Mass cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted on our website and sent through flocknote. If you would like the most immediate updates of cancellations; including for Mass, events and religious education, please be sure you are signed up for flocknotes. If you are not signed up for flocknote, please contact the parish office. Thank you!
To view TV mass tune into Channel 1059 at 10 am or click this button.
2025 Mass Book The 2025 Mass book has opened for scheduling Masses from January-June 30 2025 on Friday, November 15th. Please call the office at 203-239-5378 to schedule a Mass. From the beginning you will be able to schedule two weekend and two week day Masses maximum.
On Mondays, we will be at Saint Barnabas Church at 2:00pm. We will conduct a 5 minute service and distribute Holy Communion to anyone who is unable to attend Mass due to compromised heath issues.
There is no need to make an appointment.
If you're homebound please contact the office.
We would like to thank North Haven Funeral Home for the calendars that have been distributed to the churches. If you
haven’t picked up your calendar please do so in the vestibule. Thank you!
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Faith Formation and
Office Staff.
Thank you to those who continue to support the parish through online giving, mail-in or drop-off donations! We are grateful for your generosity! If you haven’t yet signed up for online giving, we encourage you to join Father Turner and others who have done so here: Its free and the easiest and most secure way to give. You can use online giving for all your giving - weekly, monthly, special collections, holy days and even religious education tuition. Please call the office if you assistance.
Dear Parishioners,
Please Welcome our Pastor!
Rev. Robert L. Turner
God Bless you all
We celebrate on our civil new year the solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. These celebrations recall for us the blessing we all desire from God. We hear from Numbers:
"The Lord said to Moses:
‘Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them:
This is how you shall bless the Israelites.
Say to them:
The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and
give you peace!
So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites,
and I will bless them.” (Numbers 6:22-27)
To be blessed means God is entering into our life. It means he wants our good and sometimes that means certain elements of one's "old life" have to be purged, or healed. The greatest blessing we have comes in the form of the Word made flesh: Jesus. Jesus, whose name means, savior, comes to draw us out of the mires of sin into a new life. He is a blessing; but it also means a great deal has to change. A blessing is a call to suffer the pains of transformation into something greater. We recall how this blessing spoken over the Israelites meant great hope but also great personal suffering.
We have confidence, however, because as Ratzinger (later, Pope Benedict XVI) reminds us: "One who can say 'Father' to the Lord of the Universe has a firm foundation for his confidence. The future belongs to him."
In this new civil year, may we ask Mary, our model and inspiration, to accompany us. She "ponders all these [words] in her heart." (Lk. 2:19). She is one who knows the meaning of blessing well. Her child is a blessing. Yet, this child was destined for the rising and falling of many--and her own heart would be pieced with a sword. (Cf. Lk. 2:34-35).
The Lord, master of time and eternity, blesses us. May we entrust ourselves to him totally and in his hands find abundant life this year and always.
Happy New Year!
Fr. Turner
United States Conference
of Bishops!
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